Thursday, March 22, 2007

I didn't know that!

It turns out my paternal grandfather knew how to knit. I found out last night while I was out to dinner with my parents and they were waxing nostalgic about the past. No one can remember him actually making anything but when my mom was teaching herself how to knit he told her that it wasn't hard and anyone could do it. Mom gave him the needles and he started knitting and said "see it's not that hard." I would like this to be a warm fuzzy story where he then taught mom how to knit but grandpa wasn't really a warm fuzzy kind of guy. Family members are funny...just when you think you have their personality and skill set figured out and neatly tucked away in a box you find out something about them that is very much outside of said box. Of course he died 10 years ago so most of my memories of him are childhood memories and when you were a kid how much did you really know about the adults in your life. It turns out my grandma didn't even know he could knit (of course, she is still a little confused from surgery and not eating right for the past several days so maybe she would know when she is completely lucid.)

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